Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year, NOT a new you

And I mean that in the nicest way possible, we are who we are and that won't ever change..we are who we are for a reason. So it is wrong to say 'new me' because that would be untrue, what it really is, is a little motivation to set yourself some goals to achieve before the year is over again. To enhance yourself, into more lovely and wise people through each day.

You should take everything that comes at you, in a positive manner..otherwise, it's been a waste of time? Learn from what happens to you, it doesn't define you..you define it.

So with that little bit of wisdom I wanted to share a few of my thoughts for 2013..

I don't believe in people saying that a whole year was crap..there are 365 days in the year, I'm sure there was at least one good one! They're obviously negative people..of which I do not understand.

2012 was a mix for me, lots of good, some bad, and a lot of life lessons to be learnt. But I will let each event shape me for 2013 and continue to make me stronger. 2012 was a big year in which I learnt to deal and overcome a lot of feelings and bad health that affected me badly in 2011. Because I have learnt to be content with myself, and to pace myself and sometimes be a little selfish, I am getting better each day.

My anxiety has lessened, my outlook on everything is much clearer and I can see a positive future ahead of me.
The future isn't scary anymore, it's exciting and I'm going to take every last bit in and enjoy it. 2013 will be amazing, I have so much planned..some of which ill share with you and some, you'll just have to wait and see.

The Charlotte that types this blog is the same Charlotte, that was very ill a couple of years back, we don't change remember. But she is taking what happened on board, facing it straight on and she is bouncing back stronger than anyone expected her to!!

I think that's where the quote comes in 'I control ME, it does not control me'

2013 will be a continuation of my positivity, mind set and just good living! So therefore my New Years resolution is to carry on doing everything I have been doing..because its working!!

Help yourself everyone, be selfish, do what you need to do..and you never know, it may just help kick some ass :) join me in a year full of positivity and I promise you, it will be a good one!

13, be lucky!

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