Monday 27 August 2012

Today I went to a concert for the troops.

It was in Mankato, organised by my great Aunts partner and it was called 'Tune it up for the troops'

It was in a local amplitheater & was to celebrate/thank all the troops of the USA.
One bit in particular that really got to me was when there was a special section to pay tribute to the families of fallen troops. Parents of those who had died whilst serving stood along the front of the stage and held hands whilst the singer, Rockie Lynn sung a song.
It was so touching to see them all standing together and singing along, their eyes were full of tears and I felt their heartbreak - but at the same time, they were holding each other up and coming together through their upset.

This was so touching to see

It made me think of a few things, when you see someone in a public environment, you know nothing of their personal life and situation - you don't know their battles they face.

'Be kind to everyone, for everyone is fighting their own battles'

It also made me feel lucky that I've never had to experience this upset, I may not be the most healthiest person alive, but I am alive!

It's also important in any situation to have a good support base, just like the families of the fallen troops who all come together in mourning, to have someone understand the heartbreak and struggles you face - helps you fight the battle if nothing else can.

I will continue to believe these values and carry them into my future. x

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