Friday 15 June 2012

For my new followers who haven't been with me through this year..this is why passing my second year of university is so important. 

I was so ill before Christmas, my attendance was so poor, I think that if I was on any other course - I would of been asked to leave. But thankfully I got the support I needed and was told to rest and take each day at a time. 

I didn't submit any assignments in the first semester (sept - jan) and so was extremely behind. I got given many choices, most of which advised me to 'stop and start again in Sept 2012!' That meant being a year behind all my course mates and taking four years instead of three to complete my degree. Something within me told me not to give up, even though by this time I had two semesters work to complete in one. Which was just over four months to do a whole years worth of assignments. What would you of done? 

Anyway, I got granted mitigating circumstances which gave me the time I needed to complete my assignments (considering all my health stays stable) They were giving me the support I needed but it was still down to me. 

I took each day at a time, some days I would stare at my laptop and hardly write a sentence, others I would be able to bash out the best part of a 3,000 word essay! It really was hit and miss, I never thought through doing all of that, I would get there. It seemed never ending, but something within me kept me going, I wasn't going to admit defeat, I couldn't.

My attendance was still poor through the second semester, but I did manage a full week at university, once. Haha! But I still did it. There are some people that miss uni because they are hungover or just can't be bothered, at least they knew mine was a real reason! Everyone had also got their first semester results, so they knew what to work towards, I on the other hand, hadn't handed anything in so didn't get results, therefore didn't know if my work would make the grades!

As I got my results today it is obvious that I managed to get all my assignments in, slowly my work load decreased day by day and I managed to see the end. Upon handing in my last assignment of year two I couldn't believe it! I had done it! 

This year was a massive test to me and I did so nearly give up, but here I am sitting here with my results in front of me!! 

Never give up people, if you want it - there is a way to get it


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