Sunday, 20 May 2012


Excited. If you hadn't guessed.

So anyway, I thought it was common courtesy (where I live anyway) to let neighbours know when you're having a massive party that goes on until 4am, obviously not. Don't they know I NEED my sleep?! 
Crap nights sleep and lots of pain = Charlotte completely out of it today. Day to spend indoors then, packings almost done so I can chill out. Two days in the office tomo and tues then holiday on Weds. Counting down the hours!!!! 

Heres me, my sister, cousin and Grandad chilling yesterday in the garden whilst Grandad told us his story of a little bird he saved, hehe! 

Me & my cousin also did some Jewellery bits, I made her a phone charm and then I made these for my site 
: )   

Friday, 18 May 2012

Also wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone on here, you all are fab! I know it's okay to moan, it's how it is sometimes - but you all know how much I hate it. I'm thriving to stay positive, I'm doing my best I promise. 

You know what they say

'Get knocked down seven times, get up eight.'
Trying to build myself back up, 5 days until Majorca and i'm definitely in the mood now!! I CAN'T WAIT. 
I made this anklet the other day to go with the new bikini I got :) (of which I won't post a pic ;)) 

Managed to go shopping yesterday, got a few nice purchases, I was unsure of this dress to start with but it was a bargain, so I got it and tried it on when I got home - I like it, and plus it'll look fab with a tan!! 

Then got this stripey maxi dress to have over my bikini in the day time :) 

Today is designated to packing and building myself up again.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Love each and every one of you kind people. I have managed to get up and sit on the sofa, so that has got to be an improvement right?

Lets hope that with mums cooking and a good nights sleep, I am a little more improved by morning.

I have a level 5 university course to finish off tomorrow!!!!
I've lost my sparkle, has anyone seen it?

So today I think I've pretty much hit relapse, I forced my body beyond it's limits and now it hates me. My frame of mind doesn't help either at the moment. I have reluctantly spent the whole afternoon in bed, and tomorrow will probably end up doing the same.

This is how I don't want to be, where I can't do anything.

If you find my sparkle, tell it off and tell it to perk up and come back to me because I need to bounce back ASAP and stronger than ever

Sunday, 13 May 2012

I know i'm smiling, but inside I'm actually crying.

I'm having a tough couple of weeks with whatever illness they've palmed me off with, hypothyroidism, ME, whatever.. 

When you are already completely shattered, putting on an act is just too much. But still, somehow I manage to do it. It's started to get to me, i'm tired of being tired. I'm trying so badly but sometimes just putting on an act is too much. 

Too many pains through my body for NO reason, funny feelings in my body that make me want to be sick, again - for NO reason. Limited on my daily routine, this is my life now - but I've been thinking lately 'wow, what if I could just do things non-stop all day then go out in the evening, wouldn't that be lovely' Which isn't the right frame of mind, this is me now and this is what I should be concentrating on. 

Not sure why it's getting me down, I'm just fed up of it having to be an excuse for things, i'm fed up of having to include it in my daily thoughts just so I don't 'over do it' and relapse. 

I'm sure this is just a bad period, but for the first time in a very long time, it's getting me very very down. 

But who would know? Unless you read this post, if you see me - I have a smile on my face!